I wanted to share with you what Edson and I came up with: Uur Life Road Map. We are trying to figure it all out. We've made an action item list and are making moves. My mom asked me the other day, "What is it that you want to do?" Wish I knew. The answer has changed. It used to be an easy one. Go to South America. I've quickly realized it's not that easy. And this is me being very honest.
We really thought that more job opportunities would open up for Edson regarding remote work. That hasn't been the case. That being said, we aren't going to uproot our family of 5 and a dog to South America without a job, and a good one to rely on. We could just say SCREW IT and go but if his job found out he'd get fired and no one wants that on the brain.
Needless to say we've narrowed down our options to the below. Again, fittingly titled our Life Road Map:
Option #1:
Colombia (Santa Marta / Cali)/ Medellin) Meet with tax professional (Edson)
Get a hold of friend of a friend who travels all over SA and get info on taxes/work opportunities (Edson)
Contact international schools to determine price and curriculum and get references for different cities (Paige)
Lookup expat forums (Paige and Edson)
o Post questions and see if we can get feedback about school experience, extracurricular
activities, security
image found on www.cia.gov (sure I be using this image?!) I thought this would help everyone visualize where all these places are in Colombia |
Option #2:
Find Rental or Purchase Home in South Florida Look online for rentals and monitor homes for sale (P&E)
Ensure we can rent that home out if we are to purchase (Edson)
Figure out how we would make downpayment- take equity out of VA home? (Edson)
Option #3:
LGI Homes (Cape Coral / Tampa)- this is a company that requires only 3% down and will cover your closing costs Set appointment for 5/28 – 5/29 (memorial day weekend) (Paige)
Contact and ask if there are any restrictions on renting properties (Paige)
Option #4:
RV The Country RV’s for sale (Paige and Edson)
- Look into warranties
- Monthly payments
- miles traveled and gas estimate
- Go see different types (Class A or bunkhouse models preferable)
Route/itinerary ideas – timing of places to visit and when (Paige start and then get with E)
- Look into free places to stay on the road
- Paige spoke with friend from HS that is full-timing and said to budget $600-$1000 a month in "rent" for state parks, etc.
- Continue conversation with Full-Time Families facebook group
Tow car options (Edson)
- Would need to get rid of both cars to either get a truck or other small low monthly payment car
WifI hotspots / data plans (edson)
Home school research (Paige)
Image found on www.gooseheadinsurance.com |
My friends this is how we spend our time. Looking into the above items. We could end up throwing all of the above out the window if something new comes up but at least this list keeps us organized and moving in what is hopefully the right direction. I would love to hear your comments/questions, etc. I love to know you are reading and you are with us on this CRAZY road.
Post a comment below. As always, we will keep you posted.