The Giving Tour

As you've hopefully already read we are a family of 5 touring the country. In every location where we spend more than one week we are going to volunteer in the community where we are staying. See our reasons why in the full post found HERE.

This is where I will be featuring the organizations in which we serve. That being said this section will be a constant work in progress. Our hope is to get the word out on these organizations to help fill a need. We also hope to encourage others to find ways to help in their community. The Giving Tour has just begun for us but we know all involved will grow in their appreciation and love for all things. We are challenging ourselves as a family and we invite you to join us. Let's start something together! Every time we do something let's post it and encourage others with #thegivingtour on instagram, facebook or whatever social media outlet floats your boat. 

Be sure to check out these amazing organizations and the people that run them. 

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