December 21, 2016

Christmas- RV Style

No, we didn't deck out the RV with blaring lights and drive around town. We took a more modest approach and left the delights of the holidays for the inside of the RV. We hung stockings, a wreath and put up a tree. The boys said "it might not be our best tree, but it's definitely our most creative." I actually like it better than all of our other trees. Below you will find how we prepped for our first Christmas in the RV (of course with a good drink in hand). I'll start off with the drink so you can go make yourselves one while reading this post. Good plan? I think so.

Here's the recipe for the Peppermint Hot Chocolate. I was in Wal-Mart and passed by this oh-so appealing bottle of Peppermint Twist Vodka then found some Sipping Chocolate at Trader Joe's and I couldn't wait to make a batch. I must say the Sipping Chocolate was A LOT better than a hot cocoa mix packet. They were super tasty and I'm looking forward to my mom arriving so we can enjoy these while wrapping the last Christmas gifts.

As for our Christmas decor we struggled a bit figuring out what we'd do about a Christmas tree. We thought about putting one outside but that required buying a tree, a stand and indoor/outdoor lights. Every year we've always enjoyed going to pick out a real Christmas tree so the thought of an artificial tree was a tough one for our kids to swallow. They got over it and we ended up buying one from Michael's when they were 50% off and then only using 2 of the 3 parts of the tree to get it to fit in our RV (and have a star on top).

I refused to buy all new ornaments. Luckily, I had just the thing in mind. Our RV Park in Tucson is chock full of all types of fruit trees. Score: free ornaments! I sliced up lemons, grapefruit and oranges and put them on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. I also removed most of the seeds, too. I set the oven to 400 degrees and left them in there for 4 hours or so checking on them and flipping them over halfway through. They weren't totally done but they were done enough to put some hooks on them and hang them on the tree. They've dried even more over time and they are beautiful, especially with the light shining behind them. The boys used a needle and thread to make some cranberry garland and VOILA- our first fruit-inspired Christmas tree in the RV. 

We hope you are able to relax and enjoy each other this holiday season. We are busy finding things around Tucson to celebrate Christmas and keep our traditions alive. I am extremely ready to get the presents under the tree and opened on Christmas morning-- hiding these presents hasn't been easy in this RV! 

We truly hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! Lots of love from our family to yours. 

A bit of time with Santa by the locomotive at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum


  1. Your tree is so "Paige"

    It's so authentic and natural just like you!

    Just beautiful! The tree looks like it smells amazingly delicious.

    I would have been equally delighted to see the tacky decorations on the outside of the RV!

    Your new holiday traditions are fantastic.

  2. I want to eat your tree :)!!! Merry Xmas my favorite family!!!

  3. Paige, each blog is better than the last! I just wish everyone I know, especially my children, were reading them all. Have a wonderful Christmas and give your mom a hug from us! Sandy and Raymond

  4. Muchas felicidades el arbol quedo estupendo y unico que pasen una noche buena muy feliz muchas bendicciones.
